Big Data Bootcamp
This live course will provide high school students with a comprehensive introduction to the fundamentals of data science through the Python language and relevant statistics concepts. No experience required.
Bootcamp Details
Every Saturday (7 weeks)
10:30-12pm or 12pm-1:30pm or 1:30-3pm (Pacific)
Must be concurrently enrolled in high school
60 students (20 per class)
Certificate of Completion
"I would recommend this bootcamp to everyone I know! I wish this bootcamp was more well-known in Turkey!"
— Anonymous
"When I look at the big picture, you guys have done a very good job all around. I know so much more than when we started the bootcamp and I can now complete most problems without screaming for my sister every few minutes!"
— Jonathan Lin (Grade 10)
"All the content that you guys taught was really informative and helped me to see that I really like data science and coding. I hope that there is another program or bootcamp next semester where we could learn even more about data science! :)"
— Eleny Houkasian (Grade 10)
"The Big Data Bootcamp was more than amazing and I learned so much. All the instructors were super kind and helpful. I found myself always checking off 10 for the question that asked how the bootcamp was."
— Disha Seth (Grade 10)
"I would recommend this bootcamp to everyone I know! I wish this bootcamp was more well-known in Turkey!"
— Anonymous
"When I look at the big picture, you guys have done a very good job all around. I know so much more than when we started the bootcamp and I can now complete most problems without screaming for my sister every few minutes!"
— Jonathan Lin (Grade 10)
0+students taught
0semesters taught
0active instructors
0+total hours taught
Data Science Demystified
This self-paced, online course provides a thorough introduction to the fundamentals of data science to those of all ages and locations. You will learn how to program in the Python language using NumPy and Pandas and the applications of various statistics concepts. No experience required.
Online Course Details
0+minutes of recorded content
Should I take the bootcamp or online course?
Big Data Bootcamp Benefits
- Live
- Receive immediate help when you have issues or questions
- Structured 1.5 hrs/week (student won't fall behind)
- Interactive activities: Data Science themed-Kahoot & Jeopardy
Online Course Benefits
- Self-paced
- Available to those of all ages
- Ease of access at any time or location
- More in-depth because not restricted by time